Neumaier Genealogy
Work in Progress
Welcome to this compact genealogy representing a number of years work by a hobby genealogist. The time frame ends after World War Two. Focus of the genealogy starts with my great great grandfather Josef Neumaier and his sons and daughter. Linguistically the genealogy is a mix of English and German which is unfortunate but currently unavoidable. The reader may be aware that my German is not perfect and my English is far from polished so I apologize beforehand. I wrote the content with a Swiss German keyboard which may explain some of the spelling.
Sources were mostly obtained from archive material in Germany and some in the USA. I was assisted by various archivists around Germany and always impressed with their willingness to help. A lot of the sources come from federal and regional German newspaper archives which are free to use. Scope – generally till the end of WWII.
I visited Ellwangen, Bopfingen and Lauchhiem doing some onsite research and taking photographs as well as a lot of bike touring with their wonderful cycling infrastructure.
One of the main ambitions behind this website is that I was unsatisfied with the commercial genealogy services available for pay and I was unable to find a better alternative than do my own thing.